Credit Professionals International

Credit Professionals International supports our members by providing opportunities

               for networkingcareer development and community involvement

This page highlights happenings at all levels of CPI. CPI districts, states and local associations are urged to post their activities here. Tell us about your credit education activities in your community; continuing education programs for your members, including guest speakers at your meetings; and your fundraisers. This is a great way to share ideas with CPI members nationwide.

small gold star   What’s Happening at International

 small gold star  See What's Happening at CPI of Atlanta, Georgia

 small gold star  Goshen Indiana CPI has teamed up with Habitat for Humanity

 small gold star  CPI Ann Arbor Michigan Goes To School - Read All About It!!!

 small gold star  National Missing Children's Day: In May of 2007, the National Center for Missing and initiative designed to heighten awareness of the issues surrounding missing and exploited children. The Take 25 initiative encourages parents to take 25 minutes to talk to children about ways to be safer, and encourages an ongoing dialogue with children about safety. There are various materials, free of charge, available to help children stay safe. The website for additional information is Encourage all of you that have children or are exposed to children to take the time to educate them on ways they can stay safe. Remember that 25 minutes can mean all the difference when it comes to our children and protecting them.

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small gold star Education Month -- These are pictures of the booth that Central Kansas Business Connection (Hutchinson CPI) had at the Women’s Show in Hutchinson on March 29, 2008.  We had over 2000 people at the show. We choose the theme “Who has Your Identity” and was showing a video on Identity Theft and had  hand-outs also. We offered a door prize and just happened that the person signing up actually won!


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