Credit Professionals International

Credit Professionals International supports our members by providing opportunities

               for networkingcareer development and community involvement

 CPI las madrugadoras; A Proud Banzai Sponsor!

2018-2019  officers:     

President: BETTY THORMAN- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Secretary: mary ann ouellette- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vice President: barbara anyay- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Treasurer: Marylyn Tack - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



We hold our meetings at 7:00am on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every

month (except december-no 3rd meeting) at Weck's on Juan Tabo, Albuquerque, NM.

                      We have speakers at the last monthly meeting.

What is Credit Professionals International (CPI)

Credit Professionals International (CPI) is a professional association established
in 1937 for individuals working in the credit industry.  Our focus is on
strengthening the industry and the individual through education and interaction.  
We also promote consumer education in the community in partnership with our
sponsoring companies and through the Credit Education Resources Foundation.  
We support the Foundation and the National Center for Missing and
Exploited Children.  Membership is open to anyone employed with or retired from
entities providing and/or utilizing financial, credit or collection services.

Credit Professional International's VISION is to be an innovative,
member-driven association making positive contributions with the credit industry.

Credit Professional International's MISSION is to support the
members of Credit Professionals International by providing opportunities for networking, career development and community involvement.

 Our Objective is:

  • To maintain a closer contact among credit persons
  • To maintain a friendly relationship between credit departments of various firms and businesses represented by our members to stimulate education in the practice & proceedure of credit.
  • To encourage and promote the formation of similar educational organizations.

Credit abuse continues to haunt many businesses, small and large alike. From the 

individuals who simply charge more than their ability to repay and eventually
declare bankruptcy to those whose outright refusal to meet their obligations
leaving the business to somehow cover the loss, these actions touch all our lives
in one way or another. This abuse of credit, especially among younger people,
may be traced directly to lack of education in its proper use.  Credit Professionals
International continues to make credit education and social services its priority
and mission. Informed citizens run less risk of falling prey to abusing any credit
that is offered to them. Our members volunteer their time to hand out brochures to
schools and other interested community groups. We also have volunteers that
speak on a variety of civic occasions about the problem and its prevention.

Scholarship Fund:

The educational event that we sponsor is the CPI  Scholarship Fund.  This Scholarship is awarded two times a year to CNM.Our organization is seeking the support of the community and community businesses to  assist us in raising funds and reaching out to  worthy individuals seeking  a career in the credit industry.


Welfare Committee:

We join in on the Mail Carrier's Food Drives by helping to sort the food items. We do this at a post office location once the mail carriers return with the collected food items. The items are sorted in to large bins which are then loaded on to the Roadrunner Food Bank trucks and taken to their warehouse for distribution.As many or our members as is possible also donate time at Roadrunner Food Bank to help sort and package food once or twice a year. 

Our other major project is to donate funds to Inez Elementary School. The funds that we raise for this project are earmarked to purchase food for their BackPack Program. We also collect "Box Tops for Education" for Inez so that they can purchase additional items for the school. Inez Elementary School is a Title 1 school in Albuquerque,  New Mexico. Title 1 schools are designed to help children of low income families meet state standards in core academic subjects such as reading and mathematics.

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